STAT Curriculum Bulletin | September 2020


With the effects of the Coronavirus continuing to permeate into our everyday lives, the new norm may present us with more challenges than expected. Such challenges extend beyond struggles of distanced learning and motivational plateaus, by the need for societal change to the calls of systemic racism and police brutality. With race and equity being hot topics within home and educational settings, we hope to provide you with materials that address inclusiveness in the form of self-care, sample lessons, and useful resources that can help you and your students navigate the current climate. As always, we welcome your questions, feedback, and thoughts. Take good care.

- The STAT Team

How Latinos Can Win The Culture War


With the falsehood of cultural stereotypes being at the helm of present societal conflict, the Times offers an opportune perspective on how we can change the culture through holding media and other key industries accountable for the messages they send out into the social media sphere. This article focuses in particular on the need to bring the accomplishments of Latino/LatinX populations to greater student awareness. Learn how you can contribute to a culture of social change in this insightful article.


Andrea Sadow’s STAT Pilot Lesson - Respectful Listening Sample

This is a sample of lessons which served as a precursor to the Respectful Debate by having students research a topic and then practice reflective listening by having students use prompts like, “I heard you say…” and “is that right?”.

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PLAN- A Problem Solving Tool- Practical applications shared by STAT Team members Lauren Fullmer and Laura Bond

The PLAN problem solving strategy empowers students by delving into the challenging skills of perspective-taking and collaboration through disciplinary content or to address a school-based problem. PLAN’s supportive and engaging problem solving approach integrates reading, writing, speaking and listening skills across the curricula for deeper learning, civic engagement, and social action.

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STAT YES-NO-MAYBE Quote for Thought: 

As a new feature, we are including quotes that you can use for Yes-No-Maybe opportunities with your students.

Freedom is not something that anybody can be given. Freedom is something that people take, and people are as free as they want to be.

- James Baldwin 

STAT-related announcement 

The 180 Podcast features two podcast conversations with Margaret Beale Spencer who talks about her experience in studying human vulnerability, resilience and context within societal injustice. Follow this link to listen to her wisdom!

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