STAT Curriculum Bulletin | April 2021

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There is much going on in the world that our students must be equipped to understand and weigh in about. In the United State, we have had the guilty verdict in the trial of the death of George Floyd, we have challenges to voting laws, and we have had sweeping legislation suggested and introduced. Worldwide, we continue to battle COVID-19 and see different results in different places. Everyone is aware of healthcare disparities and the importance of getting students back to education as directly as possible. For all of these issues-- and more-- there are different points of view. Our students need to grasp these and arrive at and express their own views. That is why Students Taking Action Together was created and what the STAT tools and strategies are for, rooted in students’ SEL skills.. In this bulletin, see how you can stay involved and maintain the momentum of the SEL movement in your classroom and community! As always, take good care.

The STAT team.

Article of the Month:

See how you can facilitate courageous conversations with your students to cultivate civic character!
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How to Develop Purpose in Grades 10-12

This free tutorial offers a comprehensive and seamless way to foster purpose in your classroom!

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My Anxiety Plan (MAP) for Children & Teens

Explore these lesson plans and programs to help support students with anxiety and mental health struggles.

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Click here to see our MOSAIC Lesson plans on Social Action!

STAT YES-NO-MAYBE Quotes for Thought

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."

Nelson Mandela

"Defining myself as opposed to being defined by others, is one of the most difficult challenges I face."

Carol Moseley-Braun