STAT Curriculum Bulletin | January 2021


While January started like it was still 2020, February is on the horizon and 2021 has some promise. We have experienced changes in our political sphere and vaccinations for COVID are starting to be distributed. Although we are primarily remote, there is light at the end of the tunnel toward going back to our schools in person. We understand that both students and educators alike may be experiencing ‘Zoom’ fatigue. Luckily for you, in this bulletin, we include ways in which to make virtual learning more manageable through developing healthy habits and resilience, as well as how to integrate current events into your lesson plans! As always, take good care.

-The STAT Team


10 Study Habits for Student Self-Regulation in Virtual Learning

Help students to maintain motivation and engagement with these 10 tips!

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Encouraging Students to Develop Resilience

A framework called Habits of Mind can help students improve their ability to recover from frustrations and get back to learning.

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Lesson Plan Suggestion

Reflecting on Amanda Gorman’s “The Hill We Climb” Inauguration Poem
In this Teaching Idea, students reflect on the themes of hope, unity, healing, and resilience and consider how their own unique experiences and voices can help America “forge a union with purpose.”

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STAT Yes-No-Maybe Quote for Thought

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” - Ghandi

”Black women, on average, earn 64 cents for every dollar a white man earns.” -Research from the Economic Policy Institute.