STAT Curriculum Bulletin | November 2020


As November draws to a close and holidays are fast approaching, there are so many aspects of SEL that we can incorporate not only into our classrooms, but also day-to-day. It is unsurprising that this year is like no other, and that traditional gatherings for the holiday season are challenging us physically and emotionally. However, social distancing does not mean emotional distancing, and so, we wish to bring you some resources to stay safe and well during such times. They will be as helpful after Thanksgiving as any other time. Take good care and have a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving.

- The STAT Team


10 Tips to help Students Manage Anxiety and Stress During the Holidays

Effective ways to use your position as educators to help support and guide students through stressful times.

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Thankful Thoughts Activity

Explore the benefits of practicing gratitude and how to best teach students to be thankful and foster a positive classroom environment.

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Integrating Gratitude into Daily Life

Short and simple ways to practice gratitude and add some positivity to your day!

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STAT YES-NO-MAYBE Quote for Thought: 

As a new feature, we are including quotes that you can use for Yes-No-Maybe opportunities with your students.

“Can you be a bad person but a good leader?” 

David Brooks