STAT Curriculum Bulletin | February 2021


Another month has come to a close, yet the awareness raised by Black History Month must not fade away. We must renew and continue our commitments to create a safe and inclusive environment for all students and those around us. Just as importantly, we understand the need to continue keeping our students engaged, as screen fatigue may be increasing and motivation may be declining. We have included relevant resources in this month's bulletin that we hope you find helpful! As always, take good care.

- The STAT Team


The Key to Better Student Engagement is Letting Them Show You How They Learn

This article covers important topics relating to how to get students more engaged in their learning during such trying times. Learn how to increase performance success and visible thinking here!

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5 SEL Lessons That Actually Work with Secondary Students

Don't be fooled by the title - not only do these lesson plans work for secondary students, but younger students also! See how you can integrate SEL and the arts into your classrooms!

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3 Technology Tools to Enhance Your School Counseling Lessons

If you're not using these tools for your remote classes yet, you need to!

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Multiculturalism and Diversity

Check out these resources adapted for all students K-12 on a variety of lesson plans for introducing and developing an understanding surrounding multiculturalism and diversity.

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STAT Yes-No-Maybe Quotes for Thought

"Where there is no vision, there is no hope." - George Washington Carver, Scientist

"Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated."- Coretta Scott King