STAT Curriculum Bulletin | December 2020


At the start of 2021, we may still be feeling the tail end of events from the previous year. Corona is still ever-present and causing continuous issues across the globe. In the nature of new starts and resolutions, we at the SECD lab encourage you to persevere and use the events of 2020 as stepping stones towards teaching students how to be compassionate, patient, empathetic, and open to communicate about such difficult topics. In this bulletin, we include a variety of lesson plans geared towards increasing interest and participation in remote settings, in addition to resources to help understand how trauma impacts effective learning and how to support students struggling with consequent mental health issues. Wishing you a happy and healthy 2021!

- The STAT Team


How Trauma Impacts Learning

By Stephanie Filio, M.Ed., author of Responding to Student Trauma: A Toolkit for Schools in Times of Crisis

Trauma plays a massive part on a student's well-being, mental state and academics. Learn the warning signs and how you can support students through a difficult time in their lives.

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Kidsbridge SEL Activities for Kids

Explore a variety of at home and in class SEL activities that aren’t just a zoom pop quiz!

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Quotes to Consider for Yes-No-Maybe Lessons

"I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. This is the way our world is made. We are interdependent."

From the Words of MLK, Jr., Selected by Coretta Scott King

"The most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born... Leaders are made, not born."

Warren Bennis