STAT Curriculum Bulletin | August 2020


Teachers, students, and parents are feeling very strong emotions around returning to school this fall. There is a lot of uncertainty and anxiety. During this time, it is particularly important to acknowledge these emotions, heed what they are saying, and take the necessary steps to stay safe, practice self-care, and live consistently with our values. Part of practicing self-care is connecting with others, and the sample lesson below offers tools for doing that effectively. We have also provided a link to leadership and character lessons adapted to the virtual learning environment that will be invaluable for students as they attempt to navigate this new reality. Lastly, we welcome your questions, feedback, and thoughts. Take good care.

- The STAT Team


SEL-Based Leadership Lesson Plans

The SECD Lab has adapted some of its materials for remote learning to provide SEL-related lessons to help empower youth at the start of school and get them involved in making themselves, their school, their communities, and the world better.

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Help Students Process COVID-19 Emotions With This Lesson Plan

As we transition into the new school year, the task for educators in the coming weeks and months is to help children reflect, refocus, and move forward. This lesson plan provides information on how educators can best support their students in adjusting to the new normal. 

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