STAT Curriculum Bulletin | June 2021


Summer is finally here! There’s nothing like sunshine and warm weather to boost your mood! In this STAT Bulletin, we look at two events that take place toward the end or after the end of the school year for most schools.  As such, they do not always get the emphasis they deserve.  So we share some resources with you now, so you can plan to use them in advance of the return of these events in 2022.  We STAT folks like to PLAN ahead!!

First, we revisit the significance of Juneteenth in light of the pandemic and how practices of diversity and inclusivity can be extended beyond the celebration of the single day. Second, in celebration of Pride month, check out our resources on opening up conversations about pronouns and gender with children, as well as joining us to channel our inner heroes.

As always, take good care!

The STAT team.


How We Juneteenth

Veronica Chambers explores the history and message behind Juneteenth and the challenge beyond simply celebrating the holiday

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Support Children As They Explore Gender and Pronouns

In celebration of Pride, this resource is an incredible introduction to exploring gender and pronouns for children 

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STAT YES-NO-MAYBE Quotes for Thought

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

“No person is your friend who demands your silence or denies your right to grow.”

- Alice Walker