STAT Curriculum Bulletin | October 2020


With a chill breeze in the air and the bustle of the upcoming election, it is ever-pressing to recognize and acknowledge the significance of every voice and every opinion in the shaping of our community. Whether our instruction is live or virtual, we are invested in creating an environment of tolerance and respect to encourage diversity of thought. In this month's STAT bulletin, we feature ways in which educators can utilize the Election as a teaching tool in the classroom, as well as how to foster an environment of inclusivity to provide a means to encourage youth participation. As always, we welcome your questions, feedback, and thoughts. Take good care.

- The STAT Team


Letting Young People Lead With Their Identity

Karen Pittman talks about the importance of setting up opportunities for the development of inclusion and youth voice as a means to empowering students.

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Using the Election as a Teaching Tool

Learn more on how to create a safe environment for students to talk about their opinions in the classroom in addition to how to integrate the upcoming election into lesson plans for a variety of subjects.

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STAT YES-NO-MAYBE Quote for Thought: 

As a new feature, we are including quotes that you can use for Yes-No-Maybe opportunities with your students.

“You cannot fix what you will not face.”

James Baldwin